
What do HR Managers want?
When talking with HR Management this checklist will help you identify the key areas that they are interested in as part of your E-recruitment strategy.

Recruitment Marketing Checklist
What do Recruitment Marketers need in an E-Recruitment platform?

What do your Candidates want from your careers site?
This checklist will help you understand what candidates are looking for from your careers site.

What should you give your Vendors & PSL?
Bringing your vendors and PSL onto your E-Recruitment platform can open up a new set of challenges, this checklist will help you focus on what's important to ensure everything runs smoothly.

What do your Hiring Managers need?
A modern E-recruitment strategy will also consider the needs of hiring managers. This checklist will help you identify how you currently meet the needs of your hiring managers and which areas could improve communication and collaboration.

Recruiters Checklist
Obviously, your internal recruitment teams are central to the E-recruitment strategy and as such it is important to ensure they are given the tools required to focus on strategic delivery of the programme. this checklist will help you grade your current capability; whether you require the capability; or whether it is not necessary.